
Ficus Vita Gel®

The first prickly pear leaves’ gel! The functional drink that did not exist, obtained 100% from plants.


Sustainability and green approach: we aim to exploit agricultural residues with the intention of closing a cycle with zero waste!

This plant does not need any water to grow, let’s protect the planet given the scarcity we have of it.

Benefit and suggested use

Taking FICUS VITA GEL® is a way to express love that we must give ourselves every day. A single gesture that takes care of you and of the environment around you.

  • Body weight balance

  • Nutrients’ absorption modulation

  • Digestive system’s calming and soothing action

  • Regularity of the intestinal transit

  • Digestive system functionality


Ficus Vita Gel is 100% natural of plant origin, therefore suitable for a vegetarian and vegan diet. It does not contain synthetic preservers and stabilizers. 99.7%  prickly pear cladode gel (Opuntia Ficus Indica (L.) Miller).

  • The prickly pear gel contained in the bottle is as fresch as if it had just been extracted from the plant.

  • Natural processing method to guarantee the integrity of its nutrients.

  • No water or sugar added.

  • Gluten and lactose free.

  • The product is obtained 100% from plants, therefore suitable for any vegetarian or vegan diet.

  • No heavy metals – no aflatoxins – no benzo pyrenes

  • Strict quality controls that guarantee its excellence and purity

7 good reasons to drink Ficus Vita Gel®: 

(by Dr. Orazio Ragusa, Econutritionist)

  • Rejuvenate together with the planet that hosts you
  • Keep your physical shape at its best
  • Slows your natural neurological decay
  • Achieve your daily ecosystem well-being
  • Experience the pleasure of perceived serenity
  • Find your inner peace
  • Reach the best version of you, in small sips

Prickly pear. Basically, the perfect food, rich of essential nutrients for the human body.

The prickly pear’s leaves, contain a gel with superior properties compared to the ones of the popular aloe. In the Sicilian peasant civilization, the young internal sectioned leaves were used (and still are in some islands) as warm soothing applications.

The prickly pear leaf is a true panacea for your health as it contains fibers, minerals and vitamins.

It is also rich in chlorophyll and water, and for this reason, it boasts several beneficial properties known since the Aztecs’ times.

Ho terminato da qualche giorno i primi 40 giorni di utilizzo di Ficus Vita gel, cosa posso dire? Ora vado a scaricare ogni giorno regolarmente (prima ogni 3/4 giorni) mai successo prima. Poi non mi vengono più gli sfoghi dovuti a stress, il dott mi dice che mi ha alzato le difese immunitarie. Ora ho già ordinato per proseguire. Sono felice e lo consiglio a tutti.

Daniela Palma

Ho iniziato da circa 10 giorni ad assumere Ficus Vita gel e, dopo una settimana, ho intravisto i primi benefici. Fin da ragazzo soffro di stipsi; Ficus Vita gel ha migliorato la funzionalità intestinale, inoltre non sento più bruciore. La dott.ssa che mi segue, mi ha consigliato di proseguire il trattamento per altri mesi.

Mirko Ferrari

Utilizzo Ficus Vita Gel dal mese di Maggio 2023 ed ho risolto il problema di gonfiore che ho da molti anni durante i cambi di stagione. Da quel momento lo prendo regolarmente ogni giorno ed il miglioramento è evidente. Lo consiglio a chi vuole regolarizzare il proprio intestino con reali benefici per il proprio benessere.

Andrea Diego Giacon